4.5 C Fruits viagra samples and Veggies Each Day!
Did you know 1 serving of fruit (1/2C or a small sized whole fruit ) contains approx. 15 grams of carbs and a serving of veggies (1C raw veggies, 1/2C cooked) contain about 5 grams of carbs. Even though fruit has 3x more energy from carbohydrates it is important to get the variety of super power nutrition from both food groups. Both groups provide powerhouses of vitamins and minerals and cancer fighting phytochemicals.
8 Tips to getting 4.5 Cups of fruits and veggies each cialis turnt day.
Try to get every color of the rainbow with your fruits and levitra vs viagra veggies. Color means added nutrition- orange , purple, red, green, yellow and white.
Make half you plate fruits and veggies. ( It’s OK to prefer veggies over fruit cialis coupon or vice a versa- this is flexible.)
Fill half your shopping cart with fruits and veggies when at the grocery store. (This really works because what you shop for it- that’s what you have in the house).
Buy already cut up fruits and veggies for convenience if you are
short on time and can viagra samples afford to. Buy portable fruits and veggies: viagra coupon baby carrots, cut pepper corns, snap peas. When putting groceries away take the time to slice dice and divide portable portions of fruits viagra generic and veggies.
Think seasonally for best quality, taste and price. Winter fruits in season : oranges, apples, bananas, clementines, grapes, pears, winter squash, broccoli, mushrooms.
Make a morning fruit smoothie and suddenly get half your days supply of fruit in just one beverage before the day is half over!
Eat perishable fruits first (berries, bananas and softer fruits). Apples and buy cialis citrus last longer.
Buy organic fruits and veggies if you are going to eat the skin. I buy organic baby spinach, kale, pears and berries. I don’t buy organic levitra coupon squash viagra-canadapharmacy or bananas as I know I will be peeling them. (The “dirty dozen” and “ clean generic cialis 15” handout shows the top 12 fruits http://viagra-canadapharmacy.com and veggies we should be buying organically). http://www.healthyfitfun.com/uploads/1/7/8/6/17861617/dirty_dozen__clean_fifteen.pdf