Earlier this month was my birthday. when does viagra patent expire As I sit writing this in the sunshine and with my beloved cup of coffee, I cialis headache can hardly say that I am happy to be turning another year older. No,
I don’t really love all of the wonderful physical changes another year of
living buy cialis canada has brought me—squishier and softer body parts, more grey hair that I have to pay someone to cover, and a moody memory that randomly chooses when it feels like working—but, this year I can truly say that I believe that the wisdom and perspective of living another year of life is worth it.
These past 365 days of living and 8,760 hours of experience have made me a new (yet technically older) and improved version of me compared to who I was in May of 2013. This wisdom can only be gained from having to maneuver through whatever life has thrown my way and all the thousands of decisions that had to be made as a result. There is a lot of information and life lessons on what worked well and what didn’t. This year is the first time I
really accepted that it takes cialis coupon age to cheap viagra super active cost online appreciate generic viagra canada and to be able to reflect on this and that the really wise person would take this knowledge and apply it to their next 365 days of living. What a wonderful and valuable gift if you acknowledge it!
So, on your next birthday take a moment to celebrate the gifts the past year of life have given you:
- Perspective from surviving 365 days of LIFE
- Confidence that you can get through whatever life viagra vs cialis throws out at you
- Insight into what worked well and what didn’t with your choices and decision making
- Understanding into what and who brought buy cialis online you joy in your life and what and who didn’t
- Knowledge that a little more of a squishy body isn’t all that important in a well-lived and happy life
Okay, I have to admit that it wasn’t just the three of us chatting over a glass of wine after a day’s work last Thursday evening. Add about 2,799 other people in a large venue in downtown San Francisco and you’ll get the real picture. Yet, I have to admit the feeling was the same as Sheryl interviewed Arianna about her new book, Thrive and her belief that today’s world needs to redefine success beyond power and money to include the third metric—what personally gives your life meaning and purpose. In Thrive, Arianna emphasizes well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving as components of this Third Metric.
This is the conclusion I had determined after spending almost 20 years working with executives who may have ‘made it’ as far as money and status, but were some of the unhappiest and unhealthiest people around. Something was missing in their lives, but they couldn’t see beyond the two elements of money and power because that is what is so valued in our society. They figured they just needed more of it to feel better, happier and more successful.
So here is Arianna—I feel like I can be on
a first name basis with her since we share a similar philosophy—talking about things like:
Wow! Although there is a part of me that is a little envious since we talked about all these points in our book, Having Your All, but more than that, so relieved and excited that the conversation is going strong. Arianna’s voice and reach is far more powerful than mine and she has no doubt perfected speaking in sound bites and all with an exotic accent, of which I have neither.
Both ladies have
more than enough money and power that allows them to play with the ‘big boys’, but here they are taking their time and energy to remind us that meaning and purpose cannot be bought. It is accessible to all and it’s the great equalizer when it comes to defining success. We all can be successful when we define our own version of success and determine what is meaningful to us in our lives…and imagine what the world would look like.
So, thank you ladies for
re-charging me and reaffirming our message and anytime you want to get together again on a Thursday evening, let me know…the drinks are on me!
This Friday, March 8th the world celebrates International Women’s Day. It’s a special day to celebrate the economic, political, and social achievements of women past, present, and future. We salute all the bold and courageous women that have paved the way to give us the freedom and
opportunities we have today.
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is “Inspiring Change”. It calls for challenging the status quo for women’s equality and vigilance in inspiring positive change. It encourages advocacy for women’s advancement everywhere and in every way.
This is such an exciting theme for us, because that was exactly our intent when we wrote, “Having Your All”. Our passion to support and empower women to achieve their “all” is based on wanting to make a positive impact on women’s lives. Specifically, we are “inspiring change” by encouraging women to prioritize their health and well-being. You can’t take on the world if you don’t start with yourself first. The book will help you define a success that is meaningful and personal to you and guide you towards leading an energized, empowered, and effective life!
We are also “inspiring
change” by donating a portion of the proceeds of all of our books sold this week to International Women’s Day programs. Help yourself and help us to help all of the mothers, daughters, sisters, and the young women of this world to live “inspired” lives.
Together, let’s make everyday International
Women’s Day!
It’s been two weeks of inspiration and fun as the Winter Olympics come to a close. I have been glued to the television watching how hard work and
dedication can be transformed into triumph and achievement. pharmacyonline-viagra.com Along the way, I kept my eyes and ears open for some of the performance habits of the world’s fittest, fastest, viagra overdose and most flexible athletes to be able to take home my own nuggets of gold.
1. Sleep like a champion. Your biggest secret weapon may just be extra doses of vitamin
‘Z’. We know that sleep has a direct affect on memory, learning, metabolism, and even your motivation. The effects on your performance, whether on the slopes or in the boardroom, is what really can help you to achieve optimal outcomes cialis reviews and your personal best. Most athletes even have to go through mandatory extensive sleep screenings during their training. So, no skills required. Hit the sack and let your body do its thing!
2. Find a secret motivator. What gets many of these athletes up early in the morning on cold, winter days? Their drive to be on the winner’s podium, surpass their personal best scores, or even knowing their competition is out their working hard and they better make sure they are, too! After listening to many athlete interviews, the one common element I kept hearing was that there was something very personal that buy viagra online cheap kept them going through the difficult moments when it was far easier over the counter viagra to stay cozy in bed at 5:00 am on a blustery morning. Find your own personal motivator and leave your excuses behind.
3. Aim for success, not perfection. Rarely do athletes achieve perfect scores in
their events, yet they natural viagra are able to achieve success by performing at their own highest level. The push is for constantly improving their personal best scores or times. Ice skating is a great example of this. Many of the skaters had slight bobbles in their performances, but their passion and http://pharmacyonline-viagra.com/ presence still enabled them to land a spot on the medal podium. Aim for your best in whatever areas you can control and you’ll see just how much more success skates your way.
4. Practice. Practice. Practice. It’s boring and practical, but over and over again the athletes talked about how much the work they did in practice was the difference in being prepared for the Olympics. Whether it was more time on the snow or in the weight room, practice gives you the edge to take your skills to its highest level. This reminds me of the 10,000 hours most successful people put into their work as described by Malcolm Gladwell in his book, Outliers. Choose a sport or work that you love to do and the cialis voucher work won’t seem so hard and the hours will viagra vs cialis fly by.
5. Stay away from clothes that resemble the Russian’s official Olympic outfits. I know that fashion is not the reason for the Olympics, but someone should have told the Russians that their colorful prints are not flattering on anyone—champion or not! Lesson to all of us…you don’t want your clothes to have more going on than you and your skills! J
February 14th is universally known as a day when people exchange cards, candy and flowers in the name of love. It has also recently been declared V-Day (www.vday.org) by the feminist activist Eve Ensler as a day to globally recognize violence against women.
In both cases whether for passion or for purpose, February
14th supports and recognizes women. This day, mid- February reminds us that we cialis online should stop to smell the roses, those small payday 2 tokens given where can i buy viagra to us by loved payday loans near me ones and pause to take
action for female victims of global violence. It reminds us that even small gestures of love and support can make a big difference in how women feel about themselves.
Empowered women feel strong, they are confident and have the freedom http://paydayloansnearmeus.com/how_it_works.html to align their values, passions
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to practice, spiritually, politically, socially, educationally and economically as individuals and payday loans direct lender models http://onlinepaydayloansusca.com/ in their community. All women deserve the right to love, peace and empowerment.