by Emma Fogt
I have come to like exercise. In particular getting to exercise classes helps me to forget my worries and responsibilities -for a period of time. When I am in class , begin to replace the world’s demands on my shoulders with a barbell if it’s body pump or
my knees if it is crow position at yoga! But is my exercise regime enough?
In this last week’s NYT Sunday May 25, Daniel Duane wrote about the Fitness
and he went on a quest to find out what exercise regimes work best.
From wobble boards, inflatable balls for core and balance to P90X for muscle adaptation. He ended up trying a pretty simple routine, sans gym, sans fancy equipment- just himself and some weights.
The author tried 3 workouts a week just to strength train based on a book called Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training.” This included the following 5 old fashioned lifts into 2 workouts a week: A and B.
WORKOUT A: Squat 3 sets of 5 reps, Dead lift 1 set of 5 reps, Military press 3 sets of 5 reps.
WORKOUT B: Squat 3 sets of 5 reps, Power clean 5 sets of 3 reps, Bench press 3 sets of 5 reps.
For a year Duane added on little more weight but kept the routines consistent.
This advice is backed up by the owner of my gym Roger Schwab at ‘Mainline health & Fitness”,
“Goals in your strength workouts should be to be progressive and use perfect form. In practice this means increase resistance whenever your repetition goal is reached. If 10 reps is your goal, and you achieve it, always increase resistance moderately the next workout. In practice, take approximately 4 seconds to lift the resistance, a 1-2 second hold in the contracted position and 4 seconds lowering the resistance. I strongly recommend one set of approximately 10 repetitions to muscular failure, which is the inability to perform another repetition in perfect form. If you are using 2-3 sets per exercise and are still increasing strength, continue. http://www.mlhf.com/Philosophy-About-Roger-Schwab.asp
Both Schwab and Duane agree that exercise results progress
over time and with consistency. The human body is an ADAPTATION Machine. It will respond to a little harder work each
time. Known as the PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD PRINCIPLE. Small steady increases in weight for weight training really speaks to the quality of the work –not
the quantity. Even if we want fun or the latest technology – some-times its just back to basics which works best!
This Friday, March 8th the world celebrates International Women’s Day. It’s a special day to celebrate the economic, political, and social achievements of women past, present, and future. We salute all the bold and courageous women that have paved the way to give us the freedom and
opportunities we have today.
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is “Inspiring Change”. It calls for challenging the status quo for women’s equality and vigilance in inspiring positive change. It encourages advocacy for women’s advancement everywhere and in every way.
This is such an exciting theme for us, because that was exactly our intent when we wrote, “Having Your All”. Our passion to support and empower women to achieve their “all” is based on wanting to make a positive impact on women’s lives. Specifically, we are “inspiring change” by encouraging women to prioritize their health and well-being. You can’t take on the world if you don’t start with yourself first. The book will help you define a success that is meaningful and personal to you and guide you towards leading an energized, empowered, and effective life!
We are also “inspiring
change” by donating a portion of the proceeds of all of our books sold this week to International Women’s Day programs. Help yourself and help us to help all of the mothers, daughters, sisters, and the young women of this world to live “inspired” lives.
Together, let’s make everyday International
Women’s Day!
It’s the top of the year and natural viagra time to move yourself towards Clean Eating! Let’s clean out the old and move away from all of the heavy, rich over-indulgences of the holidays. When you eat junk or viagra price too much, it shows on your body and our mood. Clean eating is about cialis generic best price enjoying fresh, natural, and unprocessed foods that leave you feeling light and energized. This isn’t about a new year’s detox, this is a wholesome eating philosophy that focuses on eating ‘real’ foods while minimizing processed products. It means removing the chemicals and additives from your diet and your body and enjoying foods that are as close to their natural state as you can get them. It’s choosing fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins instead of pre-packaged, processed, or fast foods. The focus is not on losing weight or counting calories, but rather on trusting in good quality, healthy foods and listening to what your body is telling you.
Eating clean generic levitra can be a major transition for a lot of people due to ingrained habits of consuming sugar, white bread, and fast food. It takes a little focus and discipline in order to make eating clean a habit, but it’s doable cialis 20 mg directions and worth the effort with all the long-term health benefits.
What’s the easiest way to clean up your diet? Here are some tips to get you started…
Happy clean eating!
PASSION… simply said, has payday 2 wiki the power to ignite the fire in your soul, to energize http://paydayloansonlinecaus.com you, and make your day complete. I’m not talking about the lovin’ kind of passion but simply taking the time to do what you payday loans online direct lenders instant approval love to do most.
Passions can come in the form of advance payday hobbies or choosing how you spend your free time. As a busy working women we often feel pulled in so many different directions that the last thing viagra for sale online on our minds is fueling ourselves. The
following is an exercise of three simple questions to get your flame ignited.
Tour the Bookstore: Imagine you are in a bookstore- what sections ez internet payday system login of the bookstore do you gravitate to most? List your top three here.
Go back to your childhood: Think about the time when you were 8 years old- how did you spend your free time? What were your viagra-canadapharmacy.com favorite things http://viagra-canadapharmacy.com/ to do? What were you good at? List three here.
Identify what gets you excited,
ask yourself: What have I
always pharmacyonline-viagra.com wanted to do or try? What do I want to do more of? List three examples here.
Finally, assess. Do any
of these questions bring forth similar answers- if so, what is your passionate conclusion?
“Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping… waiting… and though unwanted… unbidden… it will stir… open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us… guides us… passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the payday 2 big oil source of our finest moments. The joy of love… the clarity of hatred… and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion http://cialis-canadapharmacy.com/ maybe viagra price comparison we’d know some kind of peace… but we would be hollow… Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we’d be truly dead.” – Joss Whedon,Screenwriter and Director
 Successful Aging
Whether you are 27, 57 or fourscore and seven years old, you can benefit from the following tips for successful aging because they are the same actions that can lead to happy and healthy living, whether you are a young or an older adult. Successful aging means active attention to the physical, emotional, and social realms of living. It is defined by gerontologists as having three major components:
- Low probability of disease or disability
- High cognitive and physical function
- Active engagement with life
Now, on any given day, I may not feel very successful with my own aging according to these three parameters. The high cognitive capability being the first to go if there is too much on my plate or I didn’t get a good night’s sleep. In that case, I’m not feeling successful
with anything, let alone with aging! But, there are steps to take and habits to solidify to ensure that you are supporting your body in its battle with the ravages of time. We can’t quite roll back the hands of time, but by keeping fit and healthy today, we can look forward to celebrating the gift of life on many more future birthdays.
TAKE ACTION…commit to making one of these actions a new or re-discovered habit in your life (dare to share with us via twitter or face book):
1. Use It or Lose It : If you want the ability to do something, you have to actually do it and then keep doing it. Challenge yourself physically, mentally and socially to be your best.
2. Keep Moving : Physical activity is the closest thing to a fountain of youth. For optimum fitness, combine strength training, endurance, flexibility and balance in your exercise regimen.
3. Challenge Your Mind: Learning a new skill strengthens multiple
areas of your brain. Curiosity will keep your brain working fast and efficiently.
4. Stay Connected: Maintaining a network of close friends and being part of a community is the key ingredient to daily experiences of happiness.
5. Lower the Risks: By getting regular physicals and being proactive about your health, you can lower your risk for genetic, environmental and lifestyle-related medical issues.
6. Eat for the Long Haul: Eat your fruits and vegetables, stay hydrated and eat mainly fresh and wholesome foods in portion sizes your body can balance.
7. Enjoy Your Unique Self : Following your heart will keep you dynamic, creative, and full of zest for living.
8. Wherever You Are, Be There : Don’t let your chattering mind take you from enjoying never-to-be-repeated moments of life. Follow and enjoy pursuits such as listening to music, viewing art, or enjoying nature to keep your mind present and in the moment.
9. Keep Children in Your Life and Keep Your Inner Child Alive: Children bring wonder, renewal and a sense of optimism to our lives. Whatever your age, you can be young at heart.
10. Laugh: Laughter stimulates the immune system, protects us from disease and definitely makes the journey more fun.
Ref: research from the MacArthur Foundation